Thursday, December 31, 2015

'The Hateful Eight' Review

Nominated For: Best Supporting Actress; Jennfer Jason Leigh, Best Original Score, and Best Cinematography.
Won: Best Original Score.

The Hateful Eight is the eighth film to be both written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. This film very unique in the fact that it was filmed in 70 mm and is actually being projected in the 70 mm format in some theaters. I didn't see The Hateful Eight in this format but I do intend on seeing the 70 mm version for my second viewing of the film. Another unique aspect of the 70 mm version of The Hateful Eight's that it has both an intermission and an overture. The digital version I viewed also featured the overture and I can say that the overture allows for some incredible awe-inspiring cinematography showcasing the beauty of a winter wasteland. Tarantino brings this Western Mystery to life through the witty dialogue and interesting vile characters that he crafts so well. Tarantino manages to do the impossible and make the audience care about these foul characters. All of the performances on display make every character quite engaging and help propel the mystery of the story. Samuel L. Jackson gives one of his best performances in film to date since Pulp Fiction. Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tim Roth, Michael Madon, and Bruce Dern along with the rest of the supporting cast all help bolster the film breathing life into each of their disgusting characters and proving great performances. Be forewarned that there is quite a bit of gore and some appalling vulgarities, which are a staple of Tarantino's, so just keep that in mind if you are planning on seeing the film or considering it. I quite enjoyed The Hateful Eight and certainly plan on viewing the 70 mm version of the film in the near future. The Hateful Eight is one of Tarantino's best and fans of Tarantino's work will love it.

Film Assessment: A-

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