Thursday, July 9, 2015

Throwback Thursday Review: 'The Terminator'

So you may notice that this seems quite odd for me to be reviewing an older movie as I regularly review new releases in theaters but I haven't quite seen Terminator Genisys yet so I thought I might as well rewatch the Terminator films. Since all of the TV series that I regularly review are currently on a summer hiatus I figured the summer would be a great opportunity to review some older films so my first Throwback Thursday Review is The Terminator. Later in the summer I may write a review for it's sequels and will try to coordinate the reviews in relation to the film release of that week but since I didn't prep this for last week, I decided better late than never. I will also introduce something that I feel has been missing from my reviews and that is a rating on a scale of 1 to 10. I apologize for the long introduction but felt that I should explain the changes to my reviews that will be in effect from now on.

'The Terminator' Review

The Terminator is a memorable classic action film. It contains some of the most iconic quotes in cinema and some notable and memorable action. I particularly enjoyed revisiting this film and found some new aspects to enjoy such as a small comedic bit that I found hilarious that never stuck out to me the other times I have seen The Terminator.  The standout actors are definitely Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehen, and Linda Hamilton. Arnold Schwarzenegger of course breathes life into the central antagonist the T-800, aka The Terminator, who is a very menacing and iconic villain. I particularly enjoyed seeing Arnold deliver his iconic dialogue. I also enjoyed Michael Biehen as Kyle Reese as he has a few standout scenes that made his character more compelling and really has the elements of a great action hero. Linda Hamilton does a wonderful job as Sarah Connor, I guess you could say she is the damsel in distress in the context of this film but nonetheless is enjoyable on screen and has great chemistry with Biehen. The Terminator is a great action film that manages to stand the test of time despite that it is somewhat dated with some cheesy special effects at times but I really enjoyed going back to watch The Terminator again and can't wait to rewatch T2: Judgement Day.

Film Assessment: B+

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